Butler-Fouts Graduate Scholarship
How to apply for a Ruth Houston scholarship award
To apply, complete the following checklist of tasks.
An essay of no more than 1,000 words describing:
Your academic and professional goals and the way the scholarship will contribute to your success;
Your financial need; and
How your goals relate to AAUW’s goal of advancing equity for women and girls.
Official transcripts from all colleges attended.
Two letters of reference from referees acquainted with applicant's academic or professional work.
Send transcripts and letters of reference to Dr. Kathleen Schmand at Kathleen.Schmand@mtsu.edu or 1301 E. Main St., MTSU Box 0013 Murfreesboro, TN 37132.
Deadline extended! Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, June 30, 2024.​
Good luck, scholars!

What a wonderful evening at Equali-TEA! I felt inspired by being in a room full of wonderful women with the reminder of great women of past. I am honored to be the first recipient of the Butler-Fouts Memorial Scholarship. I promise to live up to the legacy of Mrs. Butler and Mrs. Fouts through my acts.
Keaira Crutchfield
2017 Butler-Fouts Scholar
AAUW Murfreesboro, in partnership with the Middle Tennessee Fund for Women and Girls, will award a $1,000 scholarship each semester — Fall and Spring — to a female graduate student belonging to an under-represented ethnic or racial group and who best demonstrates academic promise and financial need.
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must currently be enrolled in or have been accepted into a graduate program at MTSU. U.S. citizens, International students, and Permanent Residents may apply. Preference will be given to those who show that they are close to the completion of their degrees. Award recipients may apply for competitive renewal of the scholarship each semester as long as full-time status and a 3.0 GPA for MA candidates and 3.25 GPA for Ph.D. candidates are maintained.
Scholarship designations are New Scholarships and Renewed Scholarships. Upon request, scholarship awards are renewed for recipients in good academic standing and who show that they are making good progress towards graduation. When scholarships are renewed, new scholarships for first time recipients are not offered.

Scholarship namesake and former AAUW Murfreesboro President Leola Fouts (right) presents a door prize to Cora Vaughn at an AAUW game night.
Scholarship namesake Mattie Butler (right) sits with Karen Lampert in this photograph from 2009. Ms. Butler served then as the Calling Committee Chair for AAUW Murfreesboro.